
"At Jeevodaya, we prioritize the health and well-being of every child in our care. To ensure their optimal growth and good health, we implement a comprehensive healthcare program. This includes quarterly medical check-ups by qualified doctors, along with yearly and bi-annual check-ups for dental, ENT, and skin-related issues to prevent illnesses and diseases. A tailored diet plan and menu chart are prepared in consultation with our medical team to promote proper growth and well-being.

We monitor the progress of children regularly by measuring their height, weight, and BMI on a monthly or quarterly basis, and any concerns are promptly addressed by our medical professionals. In case of emergencies, trained para-medical staff are available round-the-clock in our Child Care Institutions (CCIs). Additionally, we collaborate with the health department and local hospitals to organize health check-up camps twice a year, ensuring comprehensive healthcare coverage for all children under our care."